A Game on the Chessboard

On the chessboard of size 4x4 there are 8 white and 8 black stones, i.e. one
stone on each field. Such a configuration of stones is called a game
position. Two stones are adjacent if they are on fields with a common side
(i.e. they are adjacent in either horizontal or vertical direction but not
diagonal). It means that each stone has at most 4 neighbours. The only legal
move in our game is exchanging any two adjacent stones. Your task is to find
the shortest sequence of moves transforming a given starting game position
into a given final game position.


The starting game position is described in the first 4 lines of input file
GAME.IN. There are 4 symbols in each line, which define the colour of each
stone in the row from the left to the right. The lines describe the rows of
the chessboard from the top to the bottom. Symbol `0' means a white stone and
symbol `1' a black one. There is no space symbol separating the symbols in the
line. The fifth line is empty. The next 4 following lines describe the final
game position in the same way.


The first line of output file GAME.OUT contains the number of the moves. The
following lines describe the sequence of moves during the game. One line
describes one move and it contains 4 positive integers R_1 C_1 R_2 C_2
separated by single spaces. These are the coordinates of the adjacent fields
for the move, i.e. fields [R_1,C_1] and [R_2,C_2], where R_1 (or R_2) is the
number of the row and C_1 (or C_2) is the number of the column. The rows on
the chessboard are numbered from 1 (top row) to 4 (bottom row) and the columns
are numbered from 1 (the leftmost column) to 4 (the rightmost one) as well
(i.e. the coordinates of the left upper field are [1,1]). If there are
multiple shortest sequences of moves transforming the starting position to the
final position, you can output any one of them.
