Third Longest Stick
Input file: 100 points
Output file: sticks.out Time limit: 1sec
Source Code: sticks.pas/.c/.cpp Memory limit: 64 MB
We are given a set of wooden sticks, labeled from 1 to N. We want to select a third longest stick. A stick c is a third longest one, if there are two other sticks, say a and b, such that a is shorter than b, b is shorter than c, and the length of any other stick that is shorter than c equals either to the length of a or the length of b. We can not measure the length of a stick, but we can compare two sticks, say a and b, and observe whether a is shorter, is of the same length, or is longer than b.
You are to write a program that selects a third longest stick.
To perform queries, you are given a library look with three operations:
· GetN, to be called once at the beginning, without arguments; it returns N, the number of sticks. GetN must be called before the first call to Compare.
· Compare, to be called with two stick labels as arguments. Compare(x,y) returns -1 if stick x is shorter than stick y, returns 0 if x and y are of equal length, and returns 1 if stick x is longer than stick y.
· Answer, to be called once in the end, with one stick label as argument; it reports the label of a third longest stick and it properly terminates the execution of your program. If there are more than one third longest sticks, your program should report only one; it does not matter which one. If there is no solution then your program must pass the argument 0 to Answer.
Instruction for Pascal programmers: include the import statement
uses look;
in your source code.
Instructions for C/C++ programmers: use the instruction
#include ”look.h”
in your source code.
Create a project file in the task directory, add the files sticks.c (sticks.cpp), look.h and look.o into this project, and then compile and/or make your program.
(Using Dev-C++ IDE, choose the Project/Project Options/Files menu, select the file look.o and unset “include in compilation” and set “include in linking”).
Command line compilation: gcc/g++ –o sticks sticks.c look.o
You are provided with a toolset that contains the libraries for WinXP and Linux. You can download it from the competition server as a zip archive. Copy the appropriate library files into your task directory.
You can experiment with the library by creating a text file The file must contain two lines. The first line must contain a single integer, N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1 000 000), the number of sticks. The second line must contain N integers: the ith integer Li (1 ≤ Li ≤ 1 000 000) is the length of the stick with label i.
The library look produces a text file sticks.out that contains the solution your program submitted by a call to Answer.
· Your program must not read or write any files.
· For the number of sticks N, we have 1 £ N £ 1 000 000.
· FreePascal library file names: look.ppu and look.o for WinXP, and look.o for Linux.
· Pascal function declarations:
function GetN: longint;
function Compare(x, y: longint): integer;
procedure Answer(x: longint);
· C/C++ library file names: look.h, and look.o
· C/C++ function declarations:
int Compare(long x, long y);
void Answer(long x); |
sticks.out |
10 1 9 3 9 8 4 9 7 4 21
Note that 9 is also a correct answer.